Choosing to become baptized is an important step in your spiritual life. It shows your genuine love for the Creator and your desire to live the best life you can.
No matter if you are 50 years old, or you're wishing to have your newborn child brought into the loving gracing of the Creator, we are there to provide the ceremony you desire.
Spiritual and religious ceremonies are available. Not sure which to select? Which one sound like you.
- You were brought up in the church, but you no longer wish to practice your faith.
- You believe in a higher power, but you want your child(ren) to make their own decisions about religion
- You are an Interfaith couple and this is a neutral compromise
- You were brought up in the church and wish to pass on the traditions
- You do not have a church home at this time, however, still want to have the blessing of baptism
- You are new to Christianity and wish to complete your journey with God
- You are older and wish to renew your commitment to God. Now you understand.
Call or visit us now!
Rev. Angela Butts Chester (562) 209-2083